Some Media Quotes

“Combining structural daring with thumping emotional power, this film is the best news from Australian Cinema since the hey-day of the Aussie New Wave” 

- Harlan Kennedy, Film Comment

“The most powerful film ever made in Australia”

- Andrew Urban, The Age, Australia

“Astonishing first film” 

- Michel Ciment, Positif, France 

“An amazing debut feature. A very tough film indeed, with echoes of Stanley Kubrick at his most uncompromising” 

- Derek Malcolm, The Guardian, UK

“A real discovery, gripping, superbly photographed” 

- Globe and Mail, Canada


“Presents some of the most horrifying images ever shown on screen. A masterpiece on the order of Goya”

- Brian Case, Time Out, UK

“Totally credible, superb acting” 

- Liberation 


“A prison drama of tremendous emotional intensity. The Australian cast is top-to-bottom superb” 

– Hollywood Reporter

“Ambitious confronting first feature” 


“Explosive revelation of Venice” 

- Film Comment, USA 

“Unquestionable Talent”

- Corriere Della Sera, Italy 

“A brilliant and authentically shocking film.. made with meticulous skill and technical flair.. nothing I have seen compares with Ghosts in the power of its ideas and the intensity of their treatment” 

- The Australian